Baltic Business Club Code of Conduct

At the Baltic Business Club, we firmly believe that our strength lies in the diversity, unity, and ethical conduct of our members. This ethos not only underpins every activity we undertake, but also reinforces the bonds of mutual respect and understanding that exist within our vibrant community.
With this in mind, we have designed a Code of Conduct that guides our interactions and ensures we maintain a supportive, professional, and respectful environment for all. This code is not just a list of rules, but a reflection of our shared values, our commitment to each other, and our dedication to fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Baltic region.
By joining the Baltic Business Club, members commit to uphold these guidelines, creating a vibrant community where everyone feels welcome, respected, and inspired to reach their fullest potential.”

Baltic Business Club Code of Conduct
General Provisions
This Code is a document which fixes the basic principles of the relations between the Members of the Business Community “Baltic Business Club” (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) corresponding with the objectives of their cooperation, the rules which regulate the actions of the administration with the Members of the Club.
The Code includes the rules and regulated relations between the Club Members.
The main value of the Club Members is acceptance of the Code and the principles stated therein. Please take the content of the document consciously and responsibly.
2. Goals and Objectives of the Club
2.1 Club Objectives
Closed Business Community “Baltic Business Club” is established to unite entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, professionals in different business fields with common interests, values, ideas and missions. The purpose of the Club is mutual personal support and business cooperation in commercial and socially oriented projects.
2.2 Club objectives:
– formation of a partnership atmosphere in the business environment, built on trust and adherence to partnership relations;
– consolidation of successful approaches in business: practice and education;
– introduction of innovations in the activities of modern business clubs;
– elaboration of mechanisms to unite the interests of the Club members in different areas;
– creating a professional platform for the development and cooperation of experienced and novice businessmen (business gas pedal, business angels club);
– joint creation of socially significant projects of national scale;
– Creation of the international platform of entrepreneurial support;
– development of international professional and business cooperation.
2.3 Club values
“Baltic Business Club” is an association of like-minded people in different business spheres. With the development of the Club each member is rapidly growing as a businessman and an expert in a certain industry.
This is facilitated by the following points:
– Constant flow of new entrepreneurs “on the same wave”.
– Expanding business connections.
– Rapid access to up-to-date information.
– Learning from the best experts.
– A personal “Board of Directors.”
– A safe environment for growth.
– Managing personal strategies for the future.
– Motivation by example.
– Clear investment success stories.
– Leadership experiences and practices.
– The state of meanings and one’s own life DNA.
– Realizing oneself and one’s mission.
– Changing and enhancing one’s own status.
– Personal and business scaling.
– Entrepreneurial solidarity.
– An environment for willpower.
– Brightness of life and exploration of the world.
3. Club Principles
“Baltic Business Club” requires each Member of the Club to strictly adhere to the principles of the Business Community:
3.1 Respect.
– Each Member shall respect the honor and dignity of other Club Members.
– Each individual is valuable, important and unique. Everyone deserves respect and the right to have his or her own opinion in the same values, lifestyle and experiences.
– We recognize our own and others’ mistakes. We know how to correct our own mistakes and give others a chance to correct theirs. Conscious building of relationships is our mutual work.
– Each Member actively discourages actions that can undermine the reputation of other members of the Business Community and the reputation of the Club.
– We value the time of the Club members (we come on time, warning of the meetings postponed, late or absent, talk on the substance).
– We live without aggression and anger. We know how to praise in public and express dissatisfaction in private.
– We respect our teachers and mentors by showing the best qualities of a grateful student.
– We learn to be wise mentors to those who need or ask for our professional support.
– We support Club activists and leaders in their initiatives for overall development.
– We know how to give thanks for benefits and good deeds.
– We know how to smile with our heart and find the best qualities in people.
– We respect our homeland and our country of residence, but we realize ourselves outside of politics and political systems.
3.2 Sharing.
– We created the Club to learn from each other, because the exchange of practical experiences of mistakes and successes is the most valuable thing in the communication of developing people.
– The Club member promotes the constant exchange of experience and knowledge among all members of the Community.
– Member shares the mission of the Club. Disseminates information and invites new, interesting, strong and valued members to join the Club.
– By receiving the positive energy of the Club, we know how to share it with the world.
– We know how to love people and everything that surrounds us.
3.3 Trust and Integrity
– As a Member we base our relationships with other Members on personal responsibility for our actions, words and deeds.
– We do not engage in untruths. A Member does not intentionally mislead others as to his/her experience, qualifications, education, quality of work or other circumstances which may affect their decision to cooperate.
– We do not harm one another in word or deed. In the event of disagreements, we resolve issues amicably and find compromises.
– We understand that change does not happen overnight, and we are willing to be honest with ourselves and others as we move forward.
3.4 Support
– Together, we create the tools of an effective environment that impact specific business and life outcomes.
– We don’t have to know or know everything. We’re not afraid to just ask when it’s necessary.
– We take it upon ourselves to listen to another club member who has contacted us and give our answer from personal experience.
– Each Member is always willing to help another Member to the best of their ability and takes that task as a priority.
– We always welcome new members, helping them to adapt and quickly become “their own.”
– We do not judge others on the principles of material level. We admire whole people and friends. And we are always striving for our own integrity.
3.5 It is NOT accepted in the Club.
There are a number of things that are unacceptable to every Club member:
– Tardiness.
– Violations of meeting rules and techniques.
– Being under the influence of alcohol/drugs.
– Foul language.
– Unkempt, defiant appearance.
– Ignoring greetings, smiles.
– Ignoring phone calls, messages from other members.
– Disrespectful and indifferent behavior towards other members.
– Skipping club meetings for a long period of time.
– Ignoring the administration of the Club.
3.6 It is forbidden in the Club.
There are a number of things that are forbidden for every Club member
– Discussion of religions and politics.
– Discussion, advertising and promotion of MLM structures, network marketing.
– Discussion and agitation about politics, political opposition, pornography and sexual minorities.
– Settling relationships and hitting on common communication platforms (chat rooms, social networks of the Club).
– Dissemination of inaccurate information.
– Discussing or making negative comments about other Members or Partners.
– Use of Member information for unauthorized purposes, mass mailings and transmission to third parties.
– Use of the information on the internal closed projects, directions and information marked by the administration of the Club as confidential beyond the Club relations.
4. Club rules
Participation in the Business Club offers a wide range of opportunities for business development and success, but each Member is obliged to take into account and to comply with the basic rules of “Baltic Business Club”:
– Members must be proactive.
– Development of new cooperation projects.
– Creation of new formats of club interaction.
– Active participation.
– Providing benefits for others.
– Feedback on the club development.
– Promotion of healthy lifestyle.
– Promotion of positive thinking.
– Humor.
– Recommendations and promotion of the Club by attracting new Members and Partners.
– Notes, likes and comments about the Club in social networks.
5. Values of the Club
In the Club you can communicate freely on any topic, we organize meetings and joint effective pastime of our participants. This is made possible by certain unifying factors: an ecosystem of success, vitality, and unity.
5.1 Ecosystem of success
– We’re all for comprehensive development 24/7.
– We scale our ideas into the successful projects the world needs.
– We don’t give up, we seek and find.
– We are for flexibility and observation, important qualities for success.
– We are for consciousness and personal responsibility – important qualities for life.
– We are for an ecology of prosperity, leadership, and success.
– We are real creators, not fictional heroes and brands.
– We are businessmen with a human face and an open heart.
5.2 The Life Energy Ecosystem
– We improve our physical and emotional health.
– We improve our VQ (vitality quotient) in different areas for balance and harmony throughout our lives.
5.3 Oneness.
– We are different. This is our strength.
– We are strong, but together we are stronger and sometimes “the environment is stronger than my willpower”.
– We always find points of cooperation and mutual growth.
– We don’t hide our success from the Club. Success for us is a result of our movement and an opportunity to rejoice in our own and other people’s achievements.
– We do not hide our failures from the Club. Club for us is an opportunity to get a variety of solutions for difficult situations and help others to find solutions through our own experience.
– We are not indifferent to the interests and life of the Club and all its members. We make the best of what we can do for ourselves and for others at this time in our lives.
– We understand that we are part of one world. By improving ourselves, we influence the improvement of our environment and the ecosystem of the whole world.
6. Club Resources.
We have come together to face challenges and grow together, and we provide important resources to do so.
6.1 Ecosystem of Friendship
– We believe in the power of the environment.
– We are friends and like-minded people with shared values.
– We embrace the support of the club to become better people.
– We support the club to help others become better.
– We unite from strength, not weakness.
– We form our own inspiring environment for life.
– We benefit the world, individually and collectively.
7. Running the Club
7.1 Club Managers
– The corporate management of the Club is the responsibility of the Architect (the founder of the Club) and the Captains of the Club.
– The Club Captains are an operational coordination group formed on a voluntary and initiative basis, which develops and takes advisory decisions for all Members of the Club.
– The competence of the AC includes making strategic and coordinating decisions.
– Decisions made by the AC shall be communicated to the Members of the Club.
7.2 CC Objectives
– Strategic planning of joint activities of the Club Members;
– Formation of the principles of corporate policy;
– Providing operational management, implementation of new commercial and social projects within the Club;
8. Final Provisions
– This Code is accepted by the Club, all Members and is disclosed to new applicants upon joining the Club.
– This Code may be amended or supplemented by a decision of the Club or the President of the Club.
9. Declaration .
Codex Contents:
1. General provisions
2. Goals and Objectives of the Club
2.1 Objectives of the Club
2.2 Club Objectives
2.3 Our Strength
3. Club Principles
3.1 Respect
3.2 Exchange
3.3 Trust & Honesty
3.4 Support
3.5 It is NOT acceptable in the Club
3.6 Club is FORBIDDEN
4. Club Policies
5. Club Values
5.1 The Ecosystem of Success
5.2 An Ecosystem of Vitality
5.3 Unity
6. Club Resources
6.1 Ecosystem of Friendship
7. Club Management
7.1 Club Leaders
7.2 Tasks of the Club Council
7.3 Terms of Membership
8. Final Terms
9. Declaration